The Libyan Prime Minister, Abdulhamid Al Dbaiba, has denied his government\'s intention to settle migrants in his country ...
Simulations that incorporate machine learning-based predictions of conflict suggest large payoffs from preventive policies, including efforts to promote macroeconomic stability and growthMacro ...
The head coach of Ghana\'s senior national football team, Otto Addo, on Friday unveiled his squad for the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers against Chad and Madagascar ...
Southern African leaders have decided to end their participation of their peacekeeping forces in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as the Rwandan-backed M23 forces continue to capture more te ...
Governments everywhere are “letting children down instead of lifting them up” as conflict, hunger, poverty and climate change hold back child development, UN rights chief Volker Türk told Member S ...
Sudan is now the world’s largest and most devastating humanitarian crisis, the head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned on Thursday ...
The 7th edition of South Sudan Economic Monitor (SSEM) titled ‘A Pathway to Overcome the Crisis’ released on Thursday by the World Bank assessed that South Sudan`s economy is projected to contract by ...
دكار-السنغال(بانا)- قررت مجموعة تنمية الجنوب الأفريقي، يوم الخميس، إنهاء ولاية قوتها العسكرية المتمركزة في جمهورية الك ...
دكار-السنغال (بانا)- أفادت الهيئة الروسية للرقابة البيطرية والنباتية "روسيلخوزنادزور"، اليوم الخميس، بأن روسيا ستزيد صادرات القمح إلى المغرب ونيجيريا والكاميرون، مشيرة الى أنه تم بالفعل منذ بداية ...
Following recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has decided to place five new psychoactive substances and one medicine under int ...
طرابلس-ليبيا(بانا)- أعلنت شركة مبروك للعمليات النفطية استئناف الإنتاج في حقل المبروك النفطي الواقع على بعد نحو 170 كلم جنوب سرت ( ...
تونس العاصمة-تونس(بانا)-أظهرت المؤشرات النقدية والمالية للبنك المركزي التونسي المنشورة، الأربعاء 12 مارس 2025 ،أن عائدات السياح ...