Fabricated reports have circulated on social media that Myanmar workers seek a minimum daily salary of 700 baht—double the rate received by Thai employees.
Regime deputy Soe Win orders progress on Kyaukphyu SEZ-port before June deadline despite onslaught by Arakan Army.
The Ta'ang National Liberation Army is reportedly facing protests after it demanded each home provide a man to defend the ...
Philippine president, who is charged with the murder of tens of thousands in his “War on Drugs,” says he will not shift the responsibility to officials lower down the food chain.
The junta wants to wipe the slate clean by winding up the joint-venture company that used to oversee the ill-fated port project and start all over with Russian investors.
The AA’s alleged freezing of $6 million in Kyauk Taung’s assets in Taungup may have to do with his reported ties to the military’s proxy party and, some say, the junta.