In a consultation paper released late Monday, Sebi said it wants to link stock derivative position limits to the cash market. The idea is to cap the market-wide position limit at the lower of 15% of a ...
“That feeds into this whole far-right populist narrative that the mainstream parties are abandoning those areas,” Lueders ...
The CBSE Class 10, 12 board examination is conducted for around 44 lakh students from 8,000 schools in the country and abroad ...
Shreenath Paper initial public offering (IPO) will open for subscription today, February 25 and will close on February 28.
The Seattle-based coffee company announced this week that about 580 of its stores had begun replacing its cold drinks cups — ...
Younger generations of kids will never know how totally rad (or completely bogus) these experiences really were.
A Mississippi city dropped its lawsuit Monday against a newspaper that had its editorial criticizing local leaders removed by ...
The city’s Corporation Counsel is asking the state Appeals Court to deny Developer Neil Bender’s William Gottlieb Real Estate’s request for a preliminary ...
At London Fashion Week F/W '25, everything from ribbon brows at Simone Rocha to doll-like blush at Bora Asku was fair game.
The Jacksonville Jaguars on paper had some young and promising players on defense this past season, but the paper does not always tell the truth. The Jaguars we ...
In Keep Driving, you don’t control the car, but instead manage your resources as you cruise across the country on randomized long-haul road trips. The key resources are money, gas, your energy as a ...