The World Zero Token requires you to kill a boss by going into the Gravetower’s Past Event portal in the main spawn hub area. Follow our World Zero Token Quest for the details. You need to be Level ...
To collect your Mega Token in the Untitled Tag Game, you must get your two initial tokens in the main game arena. Then, you must find the secret teleport located in the Raven Rock map, called Graffiti ...
Grab some free UGC by following our guide to the Roblox The Hunt event, including all quests, token locations, and rewards to ...
Roblox's The Hunt Mega Edition has officially started, and things are already off to a fast start! Details here!
Roblox’s Pressure experience is one that, well, certainly applies the pressure if survival horror games are your jam. This is ...
Once the game starts, open the pantry and fridge to collect all highlighted ingredients. Chop the required ingredients: ...
To initiate the quest in Pressure, launch the game and click ‘yes’ on the prompt. It will ask you if you want to play The ...
As part of The Hunt: Mega Edition, Fisch players can take part in a unique – albeit simple – quest that has them tracking ...
Our guide goes over how you will be able to complete the Hunt Mega Edition in Eat the World and get your hands on the Hunt ...
Here is all you need to know about obtaining the Evacuate badge in Roblox's Arsenal, as part of the ongoing Hunt missions.