North Korea has renamed its DMZ entry permits and expanded travel permits for citizens of the capital, Daily NK has learned.
North Korean authorities have reportedly executed and imprisoned several key researchers involved in nuclear power plant ...
North Korea has ordered organizations across South Pyongan province to switch to electronic card payments for workers' wages.
Imported drugs are currently being sold at North Korean marketplaces. Medications produced in India and Pakistan are apparently being imported into North Korea. (Daily NK) North Korea is experiencing ...
The country's Cabinet reported 50 deaths in North Pyongan province, 30 in Chagang province, and 20 in Ryanggang province North Korea is implementing stricter safety measures in construction work after ...
North Korea's State Planning Commission and Central Bank have ordered organizations across South Pyongan province to switch to electronic card payments for workers' wages ...
Lee Kwang Baek has served as Daily NK's president since 2014 alongside his role as president of Unification Media Group. He is an advisor to the Korea Hana Foundation and is a lecturer on North Korean ...
소식통은 “정치학습만도 피곤한데 주중에 해야 할 군사기술 학습을 토요일에 몰밀어서 하는 경우가 다반사라 안전원들이 토요일마다 회의실에 종일 앉아 있어야 하니 ‘토요일은 머리가 뗑 (띵)해지는 날’이라는 말도 나온다”고 전했다 ...
러시아에 파병된 북한 군인들이 가운데 사상자가 발생하고 일부는 우크라이나군에 포로로 붙잡혔다는 소식이 북한 내부 주민들 사이에 퍼지면서 군에 자식을 보낸 부모들의 불안이 절정에 달하고 있는 것으로 전해졌다.