Today, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs, unveiled the full list of items covered by tariffs on $ 30 bill ion in goods imported from the U.S., the first ...
Chaque année, en février, les gens de partout au Canada participent aux activités et aux célébrations du Mois de l'histoire des Noirs qui honorent l’héritage et les apports des personnes noires au ...
Islamophobia is a lived experience for Muslim communities across the country and requires ongoing action. Islamophobia, discrimination and hate, in any form, are unacceptable and have no place in this ...
Nous sommes chargés d'améliorer le service que l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) fournit aux contribuables en examinant les plaintes liées au service et également les enjeux qui peuvent toucher plus ...
L’Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique s’emploie à créer des possibilités de croissance économique dans la région en aidant les entreprises à devenir plus concurrentielles, innovatrices ...
Download and save the PDF to your computer Open the downloaded PDF in Acrobat Reader 10 or later The t2200 form must be completed by employers in order for their employees to deduct employment ...
The maximum deduction you can claim for each eligible trip is the lowest of the following three amounts: If you take a trip that begins and ends in one year and you are reimbursed the following year, ...
First, find out the National Occupational Classification (NOC) for your job. Then check if it meets the requirements for skilled work experience.
To ensure most middle-class Canadians do not pay more tax once the capital gains inclusion rate is increased, the government will maintain or enhance existing capital gains exemptions while creating a ...
On average, ENERGY STAR ® certified EV chargers use up to 40% less energy than standard models when in standby mode or when ...
Seal windows and doors by adding proper, inexpensive weatherstripping to your home. This will help eliminate drafts and keep ...
L'assurance-emploi offre des prestations régulières aux personnes qui ont perdu leur emploi sans en être responsables (par exemple à la suite d'un manque de travail, parce qu'elles occupaient un ...