At the height of the Cold War, those of us on the western side of the wall had plenty of choice over our radio listening, ...
Around two years ago, the world was inundated with news about how generative AI or large language models would revolutionize ...
Do they teach networking history classes yet? Or is it still too soon? I was reading [Al]’s first installment of the ...
One of the more popular activities in the ham radio world is DXing, which is attempting to communicate with radio stations as ...
One boring evening, [XenRE] was looking through service menus on their LG Smart TV (Russian, Google Translate), such menus accessible through use of undocumented IR remote codes. In other words, a ...
At the recent 38C3 conference in Germany, someone gave a talk about sending TOSLINK digital audio over fiber optic networks ...
For a lot of us, soldering just seems to come naturally. But if we’re being honest, none of us was born with a soldering iron ...
Sheet metal is very easy to form, including the pressing in of intricate shapes with dies and a hydraulic press, but the dies themselves are slightly harder to come by. What if we could 3D print ...
If you read Japanese, you might have seen the book “Design and Implementation of Microkernels” by [Seiya Nuda]. An appendix covers how to write your own operating system for RISC-V in ...
Every engineer is going to have a bad day, but only an unlucky few will have a day so bad that it registers on a seismometer. We’ve always had a morbid fascination with engineering ...
It is old news that you can print PCB artwork on glossy paper and use a clothes iron to transfer the toner to a copper board, which will resist etchant. But [Squalius] shows us how to do a similar ...