The approach echoes President Donald Trump's rhetoric and underscores the stakes for Abbott after months of pressuring ...
A majority of Texas House members have signed on as co-authors of a school voucher bill — a move that hints the Legislature ...
In an interview with The Dallas Morning News, House Speaker Dustin Burrows said both chambers’ bills are largely ...
Greg Abbott, Rep. Gina Hinojosa spar over school vouchers Abbott has identified school choice legislation as an emergency ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he has the votes in the state Legislature to pass a school voucher bill. The Senate passed its ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said school choice won't take away funding from Texas high school football, but many coaches are ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott stressed the importance of school choice at an event sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation ...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott pledged to implement a private school voucher-style program on Wednesday during an address to ...
House Speaker Dustin Burrows predicted the House will pass a school voucher plan that Abbott will be able to sign into law by ...
Meanwhile, a right-wing think tank and 'school choice' proponent said vouchers would cut spending on big-ticket items like ...
The Alamo City visit was the latest stop on a tour of private Christian schools to promote a school-voucher-like program.