“Nearly half of U.S. adults (47%) say the way people behave in public these days is ruder than before the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes 20% who say behavior today is a lot ruder.” - Pew ...
“The smallest churches are an increasing percentage…. In 2018, 38% of congregations fell in the smallest category, fewer than 50 in attendance. In the 2023 ACP, those churches represented 43%” - ...
Hell and the Lake of Fire are clearly taught in the Scripture. Sometimes hell is referred to as outer darkness, at other times a place where the fire is not quenched. What is your understanding about ...
“Every course in every theological topic at the seminary/divinity school level needs rethinking to eliminate the perpetual ‘sacred versus secular’ residue and to foster the integration of faith, work, ...
“A majority of drinkers (57%) think their own alcohol use does not increase their risk of serious physical health problems. Still, 43% say their drinking does increase their risk of health problems ...
“According to Barna, 84% of Americans believe the ‘highest goal of life is to enjoy it as much as possible,’ 86% believe that to be fulfilled requires you to ‘pursue the things you desire most,’ while ...
“As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your ...
“The quotation marks in the title are not a typo. It’s an attempt to isolate and investigate a very specific question: not only ‘the question of the origin of evil,’ …but the very definition of evil ...
“A tariff is a tax that is levied on goods exported by one country and imported by another. This tax is charged to the importer in the destination country and paid to that country’s government. Hence, ...
“How does a pastor decide which songs to introduce? Why one song and not another? Here are a gauntlet of questions I ask when considering a new song for my church.” - TGC ...
“I’ll try to help you understand [Eternal Functional Subordination] if this terminology is new to you. After my best explanation we’ll connect back to John 1:18 in the 2025 ESV .” - Mark Ward ...
When we first encounter Gideon, the fifth of the 12 leaders of Israel described in the book called Judges, he is definitely a ...