"This new prohibition runs directly counter to the point of the NEA, and to the point of art in general, which is to explore ...
The ACLU’s lawsuit alleges that the NEA’s implementation of the executive order violates the First Amendment and other ...
The NEA, on Feb. 6, just ahead of the deadline to apply for 2026 Grants for Arts Projects, changed applicant rules, directly ...
The ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of four arts and theater organizations challenging new gender-ideology restrictions tied ...
Groups represented by the ACLU are looking to block new National Endowment for the Arts requirements for grant applicants.
A lawsuit challenges a Trump executive order that asks funding applicants to agree to not promote "gender ideology" in their ...
The American Civil Liberties Union won a partial, temporary win over restrictions on "promoting gender ideology" by NEA grant ...
A day later, in response to the legal challenge, the NEA agreed to remove their requirement forcing artists to certify they will not "promote gender ideology" in their applications to secure ...
Arts groups who make or support work focused on LGBTQ+ people and issues have sued the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in response to new rules imposed by the Trump Administration requiring ...